Assignment and Contribution Claims

In the case of Energy Works (Hull) Ltd -v- MW High Tech Projects UK Ltd and Outotec (USA) Inc, the Technology and Construction Court (“TCC”) considered the legal effect of an assignment and a contribution claim. Background In November 2015, […]

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Insolvent Company Enforcing an Adjudicator’s Decision – Applying the Principles

The recent case of John Doyle Construction Limited v Erith Contractors Limited is the first reported judgment that applies the decision in Bresco. In this case Fraser J in the Technology and Construction Court set out the principles that the […]

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Appointing an Adjudicator Before Serving a Notice of Adjudication – a Fatal Mistake

In the recent case of Lane End Developments Construction Limited v Kingstone Civil Engineering Limited the court considered a claim for a declaration that an adjudicator’s decision should be set aside and/or not enforced as well as a cross claim […]

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Adjudication Enforcement and Stays of Execution

In the case of WRW Construction Limited v Datblygau Davies Developments Limited, the Technology and Construction Court (QBD) (the “TCC”) considered the issue of enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision on a final account valuation and the appropriateness of a stay […]

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Expert Determination Clauses: Take Care in Defining Your Dispute

In the recent case of Empyreal Energy Ltd v Daylighting Power Ltd, the court considered proceedings relating to a clause allowing for expert determination as a form of dispute resolution in very specific circumstances. Background On 19 November 2015, Empyreal […]

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The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 and the Construction Industry

The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (the “Act”) came into force on 26 June 2020. The Act introduces new corporate insolvency and restructuring measures that aim to maximise a company’s chances of survival and relieve the burden on businesses caused […]

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“No Crystallised Dispute” Jurisdictional Challenges

In the case of MW High Tech Projects UK Limited v Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick Limited, the Technology and Construction Court (the “TCC”) considered the operation of a “no crystallised dispute” challenge to the Adjudicator’s jurisdiction in the context of an […]

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Insolvency and Adjudication: Clarity from the UK Supreme Court

In the case of Bresco Electrical Services Ltd (In Liquidation) v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd, the UK Supreme Court (the “UKSC”) considered important questions about the operation of two statutory regimes; namely, adjudication and insolvency set-off. In particular, the […]

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Challenging the Substantive Merits of an Adjudicator’s Decision on Enforcement

We recently represented the successful claimant in the case of J Tomlinson Limited v Balfour Beatty Group Limited, in which the Technology and Construction Court (the “TCC”) considered the limited exceptions where the enforcement of adjudicators’ decisions can be successfully […]

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Enforcement of an Adjudicator’s Decision and Stays of Execution

We recently represented the successful claimant in the case of J & B Hopkins Limited -v- Trant Engineering Limited, in which the Technology and Construction Court (the “TCC”) had to consider the enforcement of an adjudicator’s decision as well as […]

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